
Instinctoy Five Points Lottery Details!

If you’re heading to Five Points Festival next month and wish to get your hands on a new release of King Korpse or Erosion Molly by Instinctoy, you’re going to have to pay close attention to the details of this post. Instinctoy has opened their Lottery today for the releases that will be available at Five Points on June 2nd! Read more details below…

1. King Korpse Mint Chocolate – $300USD

Yup, you heard right. TODAY! There is a great reason for this. If you have ever been to one of the conventions where brands such as Instinctoy are selling their highly sought after releases, it is MAYHEM. The queues are congested & overcrowded. To try and avoid that this year, Instinctoy are offering their releases via a pre-sale Lottery. They will run the lottery results prior to Five Points and announce the 150 winners. The winners will get certain time slots to go make their purchases on June 2nd at Five Points. Depending on which number in the queue you are, you’ll get a better chance of getting your mitts on their new releases.

2. Ice Erosion Molly The Ice – $230USD

There will be 17 releases via the lottery system. We’ll cover each of the releases in this post but this includes the NEW King Korpse Mint Chocolate Blank, Ice Erosion Molly and Ice Vincent.

3. Ice Vincent The Ice – $325USD

The lottery is open now through to Sunday 20th May. This is ONLY open to those that are attending Five Points. No proxies allowed. You have to be in attendance and IDs will be checked. To enter the lottery, you need to email with your NAME, whether you’re a VIP Five Points Ticket Holder (VIP attendees get preference in the lottery), your Instagram or Facebook link (optional) and most importantly a clear photo of your face. They’ll use this photo to check against your ID. Winners will be contacted on 24th May. You’ll know well in advance of Five Points whether you’re one of the 150 lucky winners.

4. Booo-Ma 5th ‘PINKY’ – $33USD

[box title=”Important Lottery Details”]
Send an email to: with the following:

<2>VIP Ticket Holder:YES or NO
<3>*OPTIONAL Facebook or Instagram account link:(Please enter the URL of your account page. Just filling out your name or ID will not be accepted)
<4> A clear picture of your face must be attached to the email (only JPEG file accepted)<Please avoid wearing hats or sunglasses>

5. Inc 24th color ‘Phantom – $95USD

Winners of the lottery will get to choose a maximum of THREE items from the 17 available. They’ll be able to choose two from the < $120 range, and one from the > $120 range. We have included the prices for each item within their corresponding images, to give you an idea of which pieces fall into which categories.

6. Erosion Molly GID Blank – $90USD
7. Erosion Molly Pink Blank – $90USD

If you are a Five Points VIP ticket holder, you get the added benefit of being included in the first section of the lottery draw – #1 to #30. You’ll need to show your VIP ticket at time of purchase if you do win to prove you are a VIP.

EROSION MOLLY 7th color Heroine Molly
8. Erosion Molly 7th Color Heroine Molly – $220USD

As mentioned above, the total winners will be limited to a maximum of 150 people. Below you will find the schedule for the Instinctoy lottery winners. Please have a look, and if you are lucky to be chosen, head to the Instinctoy booth and queue up according to your winners’ number:

The 1st winner ~ 30th winner

31st winner ~50th winner

51st winner ~70th winner

71st winner ~90th winner

91st winner~ 110th winner

111st winner ~130th winner

131st winner ~ 150th winner

Any remaining stock will be sold on a first come first served basis from 3pm on June 2nd.

9. Innocent – $210USD
10. Scorpion Kaiju 1st color ‘Red Claw Emperor’ – $350USD
11. Mini Erosion Molly Premium Silver – $50USD
12. Big Ice Liquid The Ice – $32USD
13. ALEX PROTOTYPE 2018 – $100USD
14 & 15 Bat Liquid Mint & Chocolate – $35USD

There will also be TWO pre-order pieces available in the Lottery releases too.

16. Rainbow Glitter Vincent

Rainbow Glitter Vincent will be available to pre-order at Five Points. Instinctoy will take a $38USD deposit on the day, and then invoice you via Paypal the remaining 28,000 JPY ($252) once the release is ready. Rainbow Glitter Vincent should be available in August 2018.

17. King Korpse Sasquatch

Finally, King Korpse Sasquatch is also in production at the minute and will be available to pre-order at Five Points if you’re lucky enough to win a lottery position. A deposit of $48USD will be taken on the day with the remaining 63,000 JPY ($568) will be invoiced once ready. Again, August is the expected date of shipment.

Ok. that is a helluva lot to take in, right? Our opinion is that Instinctoy are doing the right thing by offering their Lottery PRIOR to the event. It’ll create a more organised booth over the course of June 2nd. Also, it’ll hopefully weed out the flippers who are looking to make a quick buck from getting their hands on these items. By 24th May you’ll know if you have been successful or not in the Lottery and be able to budget your money accordingly.

There are some further non-lottery related releases from Instinctoy at Five Points, but we’ll bring you that news in a separate post so you can digest this Lottery information first! If you have any questions on the above, drop us a message and we’ll be happy to help!


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TTC Legend

Written by TTC Beard

Hype Boi. Beard Wearer. Vinyl Addict. Pub Poker Fish. Beer Drinker.

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