There isn’t a Christmas without Jon Paul Kaiser’s drop! Get ready to bless your retinas and your collection as JPK reveals a rare store drop filled with one-of-a-kind art collectable pieces! Ranging from various vinyl and resin platforms all the way to JPK’s very own resin version of Icarus Kid figure. It’s been a while since a webshop release and that’s with reason behind the rare drop as JPK made the choice not to attend any conventions in the last half of 2024, which would allow JPK to prepare properly for the events that JPK has lined up for next year, working on a little selection of figures to offer collectors to try and make up for it.
There’s also a secondary reason, this release is to help fund some of the production for 2025 projects.
JPK is treating this like the end of a chapter; and the opening of a new one, especially as it’s the debut of the 5″ scale Icarus Kid figure in resin. He’ll be one of JPK’s ‘flagship’ figures for the year ahead and this will be the first chance to get hands on him at this scale.

The BONUS release is JPK’s Tigris and the Serpent Venus!

Free Worldwide Shipping
WHEN: Releases Friday 6th December at 16.00 UK time.
While we have your attention, check out the re-birth of JPK’s

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