Simply breathtaking……. Yes Colus took our breath away with all his WIP shorts all the way to its final stages of his “Jumper” sculpture. Somethings you just don’t need a story to make it connect with you in some shape or form, Jumper do that. This beautiful design is kinda sad yet elegant. The perspective from any angle is simply beautiful.
Seeing all the WIP made us appreciate Jumper even more. The process that Colus has shared with his fans, from sketch to final the piece was a joy to look at (we doubt he had as much joy) “I had to learn all about mold making and casting and working with new equipment… a lot of firsts for me”. Jumper for us would be a centre piece to the whole room.
Here’s just a few WIP shots from Colus Jumper WIP album. We highly recomend you checking the full set so you can see all the time and effort being put into making Jumper. Check it HERE. Plus you might learn a thing or too as Colus guides you through step by step of his process.
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Took about 60 hours total to print these out. I sanded all these parts with soapy water with 320, 600 and 1200 grit.
The dream is to have about 5 available for Dcon
Jumper is Avalible NOW at
Now you see this is no HYPE, it’s a beauty. More info to come and fingers crossed we will see a release of Colus THIS.
If you want to catch more Colus info, you should definitely go to his website, Facebook, Twitter &Instagram!