Kasey Tararuj’s mind is filled with fanciful creatures, animated with the emotions that endear them into our hears whether they are fuzzy cute animals or goofily grinning goodies.
Personally, I love personified food. At Dcon last year, Kasey took a line of chocolates with nique personalities, but this time, she has expanded her crew. Cookies, cupcakes, and even pickles will head to the show this weekend, Mr. Dillman (guess which one that is…) even being ‘scratch and sniff’. Okay, you may think its weird but I’d really want to sniff it… This Pickle Dunny looks like the brine is chilling him a little, right? I love it!
Ready for something to give that sweet tooth of yours? Check out the Grumpcake here!!!! Oh… that’s an extremely cranky cupcake!!!! I love the detail of the eyelids!!!! Oh how I feel that emotion on a deep deep level…
These cookies crack me up! They are so darn loopy! What was in the chocolate chips they baked with? These guys are so adorable and amazingly fashioned.
Speaking of totally loopy cookies, check out these Oreos!! Dunked in shot-glass milk it looks like we have one totally shocked to get eaten, an oreo comfy in his milk bath, one who looks shocked by the chill of the glass, and the poor bitten Oreo who probably has a killer headache right about now…. I love how the others seem completely unaware of their fate…Apart from her foodie-theme, Kase is also adding a couple of amazing non-food related creatures! Meet Ferguson, the fuzzy Dino! Oh, his sweet teeth and nostrils, large cheeks, and delicate legs! I just feel like he is so sweet and innocent… He really would love to see you at DCon, I’m sure 😉
Heh, this shroom is SO funny! Is he grouchy? Confused? Trippin? I feel like he’s just sitting there watching the leaves blow by and the birds bounce by looking for a wormy meal and Perp, our little shroomy friend, is just going “woahhhh”. Can I have this guy as my Patronus?
Stinker the skunk – I love the detailing of the paint on his head, but even more than that I love the way that in the two angled photos he almost seems to have different emotions! These characters simply have to be seen in person! His questioning glance endears me in a way that really makes me want to bring him home!!!!
Okay…. I’ll end by showing you the Weatherbe’s. This is *so* great. Sun is just giddy, silly, and sporting his spectacular trunks. Cloud looks cranky, just plain grouchy. His monochromatic shirt and bowtie perfectly portray the way you feel on a cloudy day. Rain’s attitude has me laughing so hard. It’s like when it starts raining right when you’re about to go out and would rather *not* get soaked- Rain’s just like “what?! Suck it up!” But then you have the rainbow through the cloud- even though you’re tired from the gloom of the rain, the rainbow gives you the giddy feeling she seems to be showing. “I’m here!!!” She says with the promise for a nicer day.
Like what you see? Check out Kasey Tararuj in her booth at Designer Con this weekend – Booth #1224!
You can also follow her on Instagram and head to her website to check out some more of her goofy friends!