Kiboochan’s BACK! with all the new Star Wars trailers hitting our screens in the recent days it looks like Kiboochan has caught the Star Wars bug. This release actually took us by surprise as we never see any licensed media tie-ins from Kiboochan. Got to give it to Kiboochan, as the theme actually works for her characters. Everything is still hand sculped and not resin casted so all of the time they are one of a kind. How cute is the Yoda costume and that little X Wing! poor guy cannot fly.
“Star Wars – Custom X Wing” and Kiboochan Yoda.
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Size X Wing 4,3″ X 4,3″ Kiboo Yoda 1,9″ X 1,6″ Priced at €100.
“Star Wars – Yoda On The Moon? 1” Figurine.
Size 4,7″ X 2,3″ priced at €75.
“Star Wars – Yoda On The Moon? 2” Figurine.
Size 4,7″ X 2,3″ priced at €75.
They are now available at
This is not all her work, so make sure you head over to and discover all her beautiful work.
You can also find her on all the usual social networks
You can take a look at our older article of KIBOOCHAN Artist Spotlight HERE