
Kidrobot Arcane Divination Dunny SERIES TWO!! Now with added Dok A!

Thanks to the guys over at Adventures in Design Podcast with Mark Brickey, we can happily say that Kidrobot will be releasing a SECOND Dunny series of ARCANE DIVINATION! Soooo happy! Adventures in Design ran a podcast panel at DCon last November with Frank Kozik, JRYU, Jon-Paul Kaiser & Dok A, which was a great discussion with Kozik about the future of Kidrobot and the path they are on for the next two years. Towards the end of the free AID discussion*, JRYU joins with his thoughts on his collaboration with Kidrobot for the Arcane Divination series. As the discussion continues, Kozik & JRYU announces that Arcane Divination will continue in 2018. Series Two will complete the Tarot collection, as well as add to the Tarot cards that feature forces in this world. Much YES! Much WOW!

Arcane Divination Kidrobot Dunny Series One

Series Two of Arcane Divination will have a slight change in the artists included. You may recall that AD1 included artists Tokyo Jesus, JPK, Godmachine, JRYU & Camille D’Errico. AD2 will feature Tokyo Jesus, JPK, JRYU, Camille D’Errico and the new addition of DOK A! Yus! Yus! Yus! Godmachine will step aside this series as he has other obligations, but we did bring you news about Godmachine yesterday, which you can see at the bottom of this post.

Series One was epic, it truly blew us away with the level of craftsmanship & design involved in this JRYU curated series. We reviewed AD1 back in May 2017, which you can read HERE.

*You can listen to the Panel discussion on Soundcloud below, although the announcement of Series Two is part of the paid content of Adventures in Design. Which you can access if you’re a member of their Circle of Trust, you can listen HERE.

We can’t wait to bring you more news on this new Arcane Divination Dunny Series! We are hearing GREAT things for this series. The addition of Dok A to the series is huge news! We can’t wait to see what he brings to this great series. Keep your eye on the TTC Mobile App for more news as & when we get the go-ahead to release more news!

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We also brought you news yesterday on the reveal that Godmachine (artist in Arcane Divination Series 1) will have an 8inch Kidrobot Dunny release of his Devil Dunny! Super pumped for this one. Check out the post HERE.


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TTC Legend

Written by TTC Beard

Hype Boi. Beard Wearer. Vinyl Addict. Pub Poker Fish. Beer Drinker.

A man of many talents, master of none.

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