The next generation of designer toys /art collectables or whatever you want to call them is here! 10-year-old Nori Koh has his sketch turned into a designer toy! no need to just your eyes, it ain’t from Pokemon or Digimon it’s from the mind of Nori Koh and we can’t get enough of “KIT” looks crazy yet cool or some might call it fugly but there’s something about it we love and need to catch them all! Based on a drawing of a 10 old rascal, Kit is Nori’s interpretation of a character from the Pokemon universe. Uniku3d who help kids drawing into 3d figurines and helping Nori Koh to turn his 2D drawing into 3D now the farther FLABSLAB have produced a small run of this figure in FLABSLAB favourite black gold combo.
Each one signed by Nori Koh!
Cast in resin
12cm wide x 7cm tall
Online release
WHEN: Saturday 10th July 2021, 11 PM Singapore Time
Art Space Opening Hours:
1 July – 30 September 2021
Tues-Sat: 11.30 – 21.30
Sun 11.30 – 16:00
Mon: Closed.
WHERE: SIRI HOUSE Dempsey 8D Dempsey Road, #01-02 Singapore, Singapore 249672.
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