VTSS Toys already shipping out Kung Fu Party and should be landing on collectors doorsteps too right now. VTSS Toys is putting their hustle game on and teasing more casts making the transition into vinyl toys (oh well there goes our bank account) which will be united with the first 8 characters which you can check out HERE. Now we have a near cast of the Pig Sty Alley and Axe Gang characters in our collection.
No exact release date just yet, but after talking to VTSS be on the lookout this year for the second set of characters! Best make shelf space. Need the first series? NOW at http://www.vtsstoys.com/welcome/OnlineShop
Need an unboxing of the first series? Check the videos below.
Our unboxing of the first series via YouTube and Facebook.
Never seen the film? We suggest you give it a go as its ridiculous Stephen Chow over the top fun.
If you need to feed your Designer Toy hunger, why not give our TTC Mobile App a little taste! Ad FREEEEE, also FREEE to download! You’ll love it, as much as we love you!
http://www.vtsstoys.com/ for further info.