Dingy Dave, master of horror at Creatures of Decay presents a vinyl figure inspired by Count Orlok, the infamous character portrayed by German actor Max Schreck in the cult silent film Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror by the immortal F. W. Murnau.
This ‘Lil’Orlok’ not only glows in the dark but also features an impressive sculpt with the amazing features of the charismatic character. Not only that but we are talking vinyl here.
This is the second painted release but you can find a few one offs painted by Evil Dave and also some blanks on the website.
Comes bagged with an amazing vintage inspired head card by Zane Thomas.
Cast in blue glow in the dark vinyl, stands about 6 3/4″ tall. Priced at $150.
You can find it at creaturesofdecay.com.
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