Want to be the first to own DTA Best Break Though Artist of 2015 Twelvedot’s latest APO Frogs? Well we hope you are heading to Thailand Toy Expo 2016. They will get the first release at TTE! all new sleek black and gold and white and gold versions of the adored APO Frogs. Do we sound excited? hell yeah as we will be heading to TTE to pick these two up. Don’t be too jealous as Lucky Toy & Me APO Frogs By twelveDot will hit retailers in the near future.
“We started to create APO FROGS to raise awareness for endangered frogs. The inside panel of the boxes our frogs are shipped in contain more information on the importance of frogs as the middle link in our ecosystem and the devastating consequences of frog extinction. Please take a moment to read through and help them spread the word to protect these wonderful creatures from extinction.”
If you’re lucky enough to be at TTE 2016 visit them at twelveDot booth at http://www.thailandtoyexpo.com/
Find Twelvedot via Facebook and Twitter http://12dotstudio.com/