With TTE 2023 done for the year, online allocation via Lottery for the everso-cute and adorable DILO free painting edition! as we said previously, Taiwan’s 路遙圓創 Luyao Design has pulled the rabbit outta the hat, with the latest edition of DILO Free Painting edition. DILO now has a new pose and a companion ready for new homes and with Thailand Toy Expo 2023 finished international collectors who couldn’t make it to TTE now has a chance to own this version!
Rebellious is an attitude. We can face everything positively. The happy face is the attitude that I face in the world.
Size: about 14.2CM(H)
Material: vinyl/pvc
Quantity: 60 in stock on site, 140 in online selection
WHEN: NOW until April 11th 16:00 Taiwan Time.
WHERE: https://luyaotoys.com/
Taiwan price: $2280. TWD/pcs
Thai price: $2800. THB/pcs
Find luyao via Facebook and Twitter
I wish I could read anything on the website :’ ) I would love this little guy
I have to use google translate myself