And here we have it! as promised last week we bring you the release info of the MA-NULTRA vs KOOBALA by bid Toys worldwide release details! ‘It’s-a Me, Mario!’ HA HA HA HA, the folks at bid Toys have gone bonkers again as they unleash deformed Ultraman combos! Mixing Super Mario Bros with ultraman and we are laughing hard at the mighty Bowser. After TETSU-DOU. bid Toys brings you brand new works!The duel of the century MA-NULTRA vs KOOBALA.
Material:Soft vinyl/PVC
size:MA-NULTRA: 13cm KOOBALA 15cm
WHEN: April 29 00:00 am (Hong Kong Time)
WHERE: start take pre-order at
Price:MA-NULTRA:32USD(+10USD Global Shipping)
KOOBALA: 39USD(+10USD Global Shipping)
*shipping on 2020 JUNE
This product is produced according to the order. If the number of reservations exceeds the expected production quantity, the reservation page will be closed at any time.
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