It’s a New Year which means new flavours from Hotaru Studio! Who’s hungry for more Hotaru Studio goodness? Hotaru Studio presented you all with the MAM- Matcha Cake and MAM Orange Cake edition last year and those went like hotcakes and now Hotaru Studio is ready to release a new flavour. Check out the freshly baked MAM Mango Cake Edition.
What happens when a Platypus overindulges in cake and Mango? Does a Platypus turn into an Mango Cake? Who knows, but what we do know is Thailands Hotaru Studio has come up with MAM – Mango cake edition. You can pull him apart to see the layers of resin Mango Cake (please don’t try and eat MAM)
Check out the texture! GLUTIN FREE? HA.
To PRE-ORDER Comment 1+ on the latest photo published at 18th January 8:00 pm Thailand Time via Hotaru on Facebook. ( 6 pcs. ) and IG: hotarustudio16 ( 6 pcs. )
Material : Resin + Magnets and Orange
Height : 6 cm.
Sale: 12 pieces
Price: Price: 44 USD
( +15 USD for shipping in Asia .)
(+ 20 USD for shipping in Europe and America )
Pay by Paypal (Payment within 3 days.
You can comment F, 1 or CF under this post.
Estimated shipping early February.
Find Hotaru on Facebook and Instagram.
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