Always sunny in Philadelphia right? well it will be now that online retailer and friend Martian Toys will be landing in Philadelphia. We cannot speak more highly enough and how important it is to have a brick and mortar store for growth in the so called scene. Confirmed on Marsham Toy Hour Podcast HERE, we expect Martian Toys to have gallery shows continue to give artist a break by showcasing their work at the retail space. Events getting general non collectors to join in the fun customising etc. Classic trading parties like the good old days would be another thing we’re sure Martian Toys have on his agenda. We’re sure assigned store manager Alexis Rivera AKA Playful Gorilla will add his experience into the mix.
Definitely an exciting time for Martian Toys and Philadelphia. We can see a Philly sandwich named after Martian Toys soon! Watch out ROCKY, Martian Toys will have a statue soon. Will Martian Toys land in England in the near future? We hope so.
Stay tuned for more updates. For now get your art toy fix at