Lisa Rae Hansen of ibreaktoys fame has assembled a mighty fine set of beautiful artists for her custom series of the ayatollah of rock and rolla – MegaSeth! These MegaSeth customs will be available from Booth #39 – ibreaktoys ToyCon UK booth! There are other MegaSeth exclusives too, but you’ll have to scroll down for these. One may include an exclusive for The Toy Chronicle (p.s SLAAAAAYYYYEEEEERRRR!!!)
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No price details on any of the above MegaSeths, but these will NOT last long! Get your ass to Booth #39 at ToyConUK next Saturday!
So on to two other pieces of MegaSeth news….
The Toy Chronicle Exclusive MegaSeth will also be available too @ ToyConUK!
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Awesome Slayer Tee, no!? Lets appreciate a little Slayer…
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The last piece of MegaSeth ToyConUK news..
There will be 10 DIY MegaSeth available on April 12th! For £15 these are an utter steal!
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