CodecZombie does it again but much smaller version of his Stanley Kubrick tribute figure! 2,36 inches to be exact. Great news for all the collectors who wanted a smaller version of CodecZombie KUBREY previous release which you can check out HERE. Making it much smaller don’t doubt that the quality of finishing, we promise you it will be the same high standard as CodecZombie is pretty much OCD. From the artist that brought you Feeding Plants, Ypsilon and kissing Stones, artist Codeczombie meet MiniKUBREY in 3 alternative colours.
REDRUM (red)
MONOLITH (black)
We own the 4,3inch version and we wouldn’t miss this smaller version. This will be your chance to own a much cheaper versions of the KUBREY.
AVAILABLE FROM 4th NOVEMBER 2016 (15:00 CET) Handmade in Italy at
To check out more of his work simply head over to or Facebook him HERE.