Can you believe it has been over 5 years since Codeczombie unleashed “Moerbium” into the world?! We get all excited when CodecZombie releases something. One of those days is TODAY! He’s back with his resin toys/ sculptures or whatever you decided to call them. Don’t know about you but Moerbium reminds us of Sloth from the movie Goonies in a twisted way. Did aliens capture the poor chap? Either that or he’s been dumped in some serious toxic waste. So Codec Zombie party trick on the Moerbium is it partially glows in the dark! WARNING! This will be a Ultra limited release! 5 pieces run will be available this Friday!
The painting is done in such a way that it looks as if it is lit from underneath in the dark.
This is the very last run of moerbium, so if you didn’t manage to get a fully coloured one, this might be your last chance
WHEN: Friday 17th (July) at 16:00 CEST
14:00 GMT – 10:00 NYC
7:00 LAX – 23:00 TYO and so on
18cm (7,1inches) tall, 300gr resin.
One thing we want to say to Codec Zombie is RELEASE the “Feeding Plants x Ypsilon x Kissing Stones” PLEASE we’re BEGGING YOU. Check them out HERE.
To check out more of his work simply head over to or Facebook him HERE.
You can get your daily Designer Toy fix from our TTC Mobile App. It’s free too! FREE! Download on the iPhone or Android smartphones. Search for “The Toy Chronicle” and all your Designer Toy wishes will come true! Pretty much.
Damn, I thought that was a black light – that’s incredible!