The beautiful ladies over at Momiji have revamped the Momiji website with a fresher approach, not that there was anything wrong with it before. But to celebrate they have launch three new characters.
“We have a brand new site which means we’ve now got a slinky new archive of all the dolls we’ve ever made and profiles of the artists we we’ve worked with. You can also get your Momiji fortune for the day on our new homepage – they are scientifically proven to provide very good life advice 🙂 “
Magique (I have total hair envy)
Dreaming (for a complete kawaii fix)
Create (for desk inspiration to keep on drawing and doodling)
All priced at £13.95
Packaging beautifully boxed
Shiny boxes and colourful tubes make them happy.
Packaging is an important part of a momiji doll; it tells you about their character and their favourite things.
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Find Momiji via Facebook,Twitter, and Instagram.
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