Drum roll please………… We are proud to announce Los Angeles based Nathan Hamill will be at ToyCon UK 2016 and ready to meet his fans. We will have Nathan on The Toy Chronicle booth doing a signing session. The artist who brought you Bellicose Bunny, Lavabear, Strife & Sire , Octopups and a host of other fantastic art collectables. Get your sketch books ready and Nathan Hamill toys for him to sign away.
“Nathan is an artist with an affinity for large eyed creatures, ranging from cute to macabre, bashful to bellicose.
He was raised on a healthy diet of cartoons, comics, movies and toys, which informed his personality and artistic sensibilities. He plays well with others.
“He makes what he likes.”
We are glad Nathan has taken the opportunity to visit sunny England and taking time out of his schedule while he’s here visiting with family while Nathan’s dad shoots for the new Star Wars movie. <— YES YOU READ THAT CORRECTLY .
Signing is scheduled at 1PM at our The Toy Chronicle booth #1-3 at ToyCon UK.