WARNING, not for the weak…. NEOKAIJU – Atomic Heart rises from the ashes after the fan-fueled STS 2020. Kaiju Smuggler x WHALERABBIT all set to unleash the beast from the east! NEOKAIJU 4th Release, the COVETROVE store allocation for collectors who couldn’t make it to STS. Inspired by the designs of the revered and beautiful Tibetan Masked ‘Cham’ dance. We hope this piece will be a good and strong totem in warding off the evils!.
NEOKAIJU Toxic Heart will be a clean unpainted traditional slushed-cast soft vinyl in lime yellow.
Perfect for collectors that have asked for a blank finish to appreciate its details or to custom.
STS 2020 Expo Commemorative Edition.
Edition is limited to only 30 pieces.
WHEN: tonight 11/11 at 11pm SGT.
WHERE: Only at www.covetrove.com
Priced at $140 USD. Including worldwide free shipping.
Find Kaiju Smuggler Via Facebook.
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