The Toy Chronicle are ALWAYS thinking about you. How we can improve your Designer Toy life. Looking at things that don’t currently exist, or trying to improve something that is already out there. One morning last week we came up with two new ideas that we wanted to try adding to The Toy Chronicle site that makes buying your Designer Toys much easier. First up….
Event Reminder
We’ve all been there, we see details on a release and make a mental note to purchase these at the right time & date. Yet somehow we forget. Other shizzle gets in the way. Well, to counter this we’ve set up an Event Reminder for any release with a future date. Each Event Reminder will allow you to save this to your iPhone via iCal Export or Google Calendar. Allowing you for each of your favourite future releases, you can set up reminders on your smartphone. Never miss another release again.
We have our Events page HERE where you can see all upcoming releases in a calendar format. Easy to see what is coming up. Hovering over each of the Event links will show you the Feature Image for the release, to give you an idea of what is going on.
Please note, all times are in BST (or GMT depending on what time of year it is). We added a Check your Timezone widget to the right-hand menu (if you’re on desktop or tablet), so if you need to see the major time zones you can use this to convert the BST time to your local time.
Obviously, Event Reminder is only going to be successful if we are able to get hold of release information in advance. Hence our Open Letter to ALL Designer Toy Artists last week. The more information we can get on a release, the more potential customers know about an artist release. Tell your favourite Designer Toy artists about our Event Reminder and point them in the direction of our Open Letter so they have an idea of what important details we need from them.
Talking of Important Details….
Important Details
We know how busy you guys are. So to try and make sure you can get all the right details quickly, we’re going to include Important Details on our posts. This will be 3-5 important details from the posts – we’re thinking mainly the price, the release date, the link to the sale location etc. If you’re in a rush, you can quickly disseminate this information.
We’ve made it clear & bold. Can’t miss them. We’ll try & keep these clear for you, but sometimes it’s not always easy. Such things as Lottery details can be lonnnnng, but you gotta know this information so you can make the relevant decisions when planning your releases.
For now, that is all. Hopefully, Event Reminders and Important Details will help you out. Let us know if you use them, let us know if they work for you. Let us know if they don’t work for you. Let us know if there is anything else you’d like to see on The Toy Chronicle.
Peace x