Are you ready for the next wave of Vee5 Chibi? With Shanghai Toy Show 2020 fast approaching this coming weekend, VYNC x Whalerabbit have openly teased our Vee5 aching hearts with two releases that will be made available at STS 2020! Pep + Ton Vee5 Chibi are the first set of Vee5 Chibi in metallic coat. Limited to 50 sets!
Fear not though, if you’re not able to attend STS 2020 this weekend, there is good news as Whalerabbit have confirmed that an online release will be forthcoming later this year.
We will cater to the strong interests for the expo edition Vee5 Chibis from our overseas collectors that cannot travel the show this pandemic period.
Fret not we have allocated a small allocation for the COVETROVE Store at a later date. Tentative early December 2020.
Whalerabbit, November 2020
Keep your eyes peeled to TTC for more news on that!
VYNC Social Media
Whalerabbit Social Media
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