Following the 2014 Leo’z series by Peugeot x Design Labs x Artoyz, it looks like Series 2 is heading our way with a bunch of new artists involved. Taking the art of the French with 2Bom, Yang Cai, Fakir, Vadim Gilca, GKO, Michael Jaffrain, Cyrielle Lecher & NIARK 1. The British get a representative with Jon-Paul Kaiser. Joining the French & British will be Otto Björnik, Junko Mizuno and Kronk. A pretty sweet line-up, if you ask us!
Naturally we are loving the JPK design, but we are probably the biggest JPK fanboys around. These Léo’z Art toys are currently sold at PEUGEOT Avenue Paris for now at the price of for €12, but if it follows last years trend they’ll be available to purchase on the Artoyz website, who ship worldwide. We’ll keep you posted.