Welcome to the latest edition of #TEQTuesday! Thanks for that one, Martian Toys! Dropping later today is the latest in GID DIY TEQ63 by Quiccs. This time it’s coming from the Phantom Zone. This new Phantom GID DIY TEQ63 has an icy blue glow. C O L D! The release details for this can be found below…
Dropping today at 12pm EST (5pm for us in the UK) at martiantoys.com and also at iamretro.com too. Price isn’t confirmed, but we would expect this to be around the $50 mark based on previous releases of the DIY TEQ63. There is a limit of 1 per customer. The DIY TEQ63 are open edition, so if you don’t grab one now, don’t go pay flipper prices on eBay etc. There will be further official drops in the future.