PUCKY introduces the world of “One Little Planet” and already catching the eyes of many collectors. Monday morning vibes coming from little Poh, kinda derpy looking ways. PUCKY linking up with spouse Vincent the designer of Poh! Already in the late stages of being produced, PUCKY has uploaded a few photos of Poh with a few colourways in the paint testing stages. Below PUCKY gives you a little insight into the world of One Little Planet.
“I am so excited to introduce the launch of One Little Planet – a new platform where we can create new ideas freely and also help talented creators we love to make their ideas come to life. But don’t worry, this does not detract me from my main focus, which is still creating work for the Pucky brand and doodling and painting mindlessly- onelittleplanet is just an additional outlet for our wild ideas and exploration.
As for the name One Little Planet, it was inspired by a passage from Carl Sagan’s book “Pale Blue Dot” (https://www.planetary.org) in which he describes a photo of our planet Earth as a tiny point of light in a photo taken by Voyager 1 on February 14, 1990 as the spacecraft left our planetary neighbourhood for the fringes of the solar system. Dr Sagan points out that as a tiny point of light, the Earth seems so tiny and insignificant compared to the vastness of the universe – thus we should take a step back and think about how we can cherish and preserve the only home we’ve ever known, our pale blue dot.
Although this passage does not directly relate to design and toys, we decided to use “One Little Planet” as a reference to our Earth simply because I was so moved and humbled by Dr. Sagan’s words and wisdom. It’s a constant reminder to us that we should always live and create with the attitude of love and oneness.
With that being said, let me introduce you to One Little Planet’s first production: Poh! Poh is a grumpy little boy designed by designer Vin. @pohpoh.studio (yes, my husband Vincent). – PUCKY”
Poh’s eyes gets us, HA. We do wonder if we can own Poh’s outfit in XXXL, HA. We hope you like him as much as we do? Can’t wait to see more from the PUCKY & Vin pohpoh.studio‘s One Little Planet. For now, we don’t have an ETA on a release but it should be pretty soon as the final stages are close. Stay tuned for further updates.
Find One Little Planet on Instagram.com/1littleplanet/
Find Vin on Instagram. One Little Planet on Facebook. Find Pucky on Instagram and Facebook.
so grumpy
Love the face lol
Oh my goodness the so over this look on it face is too cute.