Yesterday afternoon we brought you the look at the new 5inch Money Metal Kidrobot Dunny from Tristan Eaton. Today, we can bring you some more solid information on the release details! It has been 10 year since Tristan has graced his creation Dunny, and what an absolute comeback it is with this chromed Metal Dunny design.
There will be an online release happening for this new 5inch Money Metal Dunny at 10am MST (5pm BST) on Friday 4th October at However, as we mentioned in our post yesterday (read HERE) there will also be an on-site release in NYC at the Tristan Eaton THE STRANGE FUTURE SHOW that is opening this week. Tristan will be signing them in the gallery at 6pm, on a first come first served basis. Price is expected to be $100 each and we understand these to be limited to 1000 pieces. No confirmation on the gallery location AS YET in NYC, this is a top secret location it would seem.
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Can’t wait for this!!