Always great to see one of our friends get the opportunity to delve into the Designer Toy production release, Serg & Destroy will have TWO releases this coming Friday on the Quiccs TE63 platform. Courtesy of Martian Toys, Serg has designed the PIRATEQ-47 in two colourways for two of your favourite Designer Toy stores!
Coming in at Mindzai and Rotofugi on Friday 30th August, you will hopefully have the chance to snag both as they are being released at two separate times to help all you Serg & Quiccs fans out there. First at Noon EST (5pm BST), Mindzai will have the Neo-Tokyo Pink edition of PIRATEQ-47 available for purchase. Six glorious inches of TEQ63 in striking Serg & Destroy colours. Limited to 100 pieces and will be available from the Mindzai store HERE
At 2pm ET (7pm BST), Rotofugi will get in on the action with a striking blue & yellow paint scheme on the TEQ63 platform. Again, limited to 100 with a number being also available in store at the Rotofugi store in Chicago if you’re in the area on Friday. You’ll be snag the Rotofugi exclusive on their online store HERE. Priced at $80 (£65) each.
Good luck with both releases on Friday! May Quiccs be forever in your favour!
The world needs more neon toys like this!