Last week we brought you information on Robotic Industries collaboration with – Luke & Theo – The Job Bots. Today we can bring you the all important information on the first release. Yet before we give you the deets you’re dying to know, lets refresh our memories on what Luke & Theo look like…
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Dropping at 7pm GMT on Thursday 5th March, Luke & Theo will be available exclusively from website. Luke & Theo both stand at 3.5inches, and on this occasion will be in a rather charming orange colour-way. Priced at £35 (very reasonable) plus shipping. There will be four of each bot available in this first phase. You’ll not want to hang about, as these will likely go very quickly. We already have our eye on purchasing these ourselves. Such is the high quality of work produced by one-man band – Robotic Industries. You will not be disappointed, if you’re lucky to get your hands on one (or both) of these bots.
We mentioned last week that the most exciting aspect to the Job Bots release is the interchangeability of the bots. Each bot comes in three parts – head, body & legs. These can be mixed & matched to create your own unique bot. You can watch the short video from on how these bots can be taken to pieces and built back up again. Well worth a watch to get your excitement levels pumping for 05/03/2015…
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Future releases, new colourways and new robots are all being planned, so before long you’ll be swapping your bots bits until your hearts content. There are hints that the next bots will have tire tracks…
So to repeat, Thursday 5th March. 7pm GMT. £35. Don’t miss out.