Remjie Malham has started showing what heading to this weekends Design Festa Vol 46. 100% Remjie’s gonna brighten up Design Festa with her custom sofubi as well as her own awesome DORO’s which will have 3 exclusive Design Festa Doro’s! Redhotstyle soft vinyl figure all get makeovers for the occasion with Remjie’s signature style and colour palette. The icing on the cake is the fact that Remjie on the way to the airport and flying in for Design Festa! SELFIE time.
Find them all at booth A278 for one day only!
Check out below our LIVE unboxing of the Green OG DORO.
Check out our TTC Artist Spotlight on Remjie HERE.
Date: November 11th(Sat) and 12th(Sun), 11am to 7pm
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Places you can find Remjie on