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Shoeuzi IRL coming to UNIT 5 in Shoreditch!

As part of our tenure at UNIT 5 in the heart of Shoreditch, we are into showcasing some of our most favourite artists. We only have a short period of time in this adventure, but following last weeks CZEE13 showcase (read more HERE), we are bringing SHOEUZI to the UNIT 5 party this coming Friday!

An interactive element will be part of the SHOEUZI fun too, which will allow you to win prizes on the night too!

On Friday 3rd, there will be FIFTY (50) Shoeuzi IRL keychains hidden around the Shoreditch area in and around UNIT 5 location. Find a keychain and bring it to UNIT 5 between the hours of 12pm and 5pm GMT to scan a QR code and enter yourselves in the raffle to win SHOEUZI NFT, signed SHOEUZI, SHOEUZI tees and £250 in-store credit too!

Keep your eyes peeled to The Toy Chronicle Instagram Stories on the morning of Friday 3rd Dec for clues as to the whereabouts of the hidden SHOEUZIIRL keychains. Please note: IT IS ONE SHOEUZIIRL KEYCHAIN PER PERSON!

There will be a range of other SHOEUZI pieces on show too! If you have yet to check out SHOEUZI, now is definitely the right time to do so!

We also have the next few weeks scheduled with showcasing involving IBREAKTOYS and MUFFINMAN also incoming! MORE DETAILS SOON! STAY TUNED!

Opening hours for UNIT 5 over the next few weeks in the run up to Christmas will be 11-7pm Tuesday to Saturday with Sunday thrown into the mixer too. Mondays will be closed.

TUESDAY – 11am to 7pm GMT
WEDNESDAY – 11am to 7pm GMT
THURSDAY – 11am to 7pm GMT
SATURDAY – 11am to 7pm GMT

To find UNIT 5, head to 1 Ebor Street, London, E1 6AW and you will find us at the corner of Ebor Street. We have the BIG FLURO YELLOW DOOR, so you can’t miss us!

Shoeuzi Social Media


If you want to support The Toy Chronicle, we have a number of options available to you. We have started to stock a wide range of releases that we think you will enjoy. Ranging from production pieces from Superplastic, Unbox Industries & POP MART, to original pieces from our favourite artists like Sank Toys, Quiccs & Czee13. Purchasing one of our pins also really help. A quick, cheap way to also support the TTC is by making a small donation. These can all be completed below through our online shop. We appreciate all the support! Thanks!


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TTC Legend

Written by TTC Beard

Hype Boi. Beard Wearer. Vinyl Addict. Pub Poker Fish. Beer Drinker.

A man of many talents, master of none.

Kimono Hana by Kori & Ed

Rengoku Sun Sun x Miao Maru by BigClawX x Kaiju One