Kurobokan pulling out more soft vinyl candy, not exactly edible or candy but the colours they’ve been releasing have made us feel like a fat kid in a candy shop. Anyway here’s the next Sleepwalker Offspring “Unpainted Yellow” all set for the release this weekend.
“Offspring born from a curiosity. a curiosity that starts with the itch to explore. This Lil creature is inspired by our daughter’s personality. in creating a figure me myself inspired a lot from people personalities, like Daydream and Sleepwalker. they are the character that represents the dreamer and the cynical people who often tells you not to pursue your dream. We sometimes knew that kinds of people live around us. I love one Japanese proverb that say “Vision without Action is Daydream, Action without vision is Nightmare” – Paulus Hyu of Kurobokan
This unpainted yellow version
Exclusive only at Kurobokan
[box title=”Important Details”]
MATERIAL: Soft Vinyl
EDITION: limited to 50 pieces worldwide.
WHEN: Please use a timezone checker on the right to find your timezone.
Los Angeles (Pacific Time)
9:00PM Friday June 23rd, 2017
New York (Eastern Time)
00:00AM Saturday June 24th, 2017
Bangkok (Thailand) & Jakarta (Indonesia)
11:00AM Saturday June 24th, 2017
Singapore (Singapore) & Shanghai (China)
12:00PM Saturday June 24th, 2017
Tokyo (Japan)
1:00PM Saturday June 24th, 2017
WHERE: http://www.kurobokan.com/
PRICE: $45.00
Event Reminder: http://www.thetoychronicle.com/event/sleepwalker-offspring-unpainted-yellow-by-kurobokan-release/
Keep in touch with Paulus Hyu Via Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.