The festive season doesn’t have to be all cute, glitzy and bright especially if the folks at Satan Toys has anything to do with it, HA. Meet SM Man! now you can’t unsee SM Man he or we should say IT has put you under its spell! First seen at Luyao Design 路遙圓創 expo its ready to grace the outdoors even though it’s freezing! Bizzar as much as it is SM Man still has all his bits hanging out. Don’t be too tempted to pull on its nipples we don’t know what his reaction will be, Ha. Anyway here’s the back story:
I heard Queen Sade says that drinking
the Magic Potion will make you have an orgasm for a week.
While dashing through the Fisting Forest, SMMan got preyed on by the CBT Hunters
and enjoyed the penis and testicles torture meant for the whole 4 days.
SMMan found the Labia Cave in the Fisting Forest.
No one knows how long it passed, finally, SMMan found a penis-shaped bottle
stucked in the asshole of a huge stoned Dog-Slave, and it was contained with The Magic Potion.
Now the problem was how SMMan will take the bottle out from the asshole.
After two days of enema and anal torment on the stoned Dog-Slave,
SMMan finally took out the Magic Potion bottle.
SMMan 咬著魔汁瓶,跑到泉郊森林更深處,牠想找一個安靜到讓人窒息的地方,好好享受屬於牠的性高潮
SMMan had the Magic Potion bottle in its mouth and
ran to the deep side of the Fisting Forest.
SMMan wanted to find a quiet place where it can enjoy the orgasm.
23120624 After running for two days, SMMan arrived at Squirt Lake and confirmed that
there were no any Sadistic Monsters around that would cause distraction.
SMMan feel excited and carefully opened the Magic Potion bottle.
This kind of excitement made its private part started to swell,
SMMan was thirsty for the potion like a starving baby craving for breastmilk.
SMMan sucked the Magic Potion for a whole day, not even the last drop was wasted.
Finally, the bottle was emptied.
It didn’t notice the change of skin color by drinking the Magic Potion.
All it could think about was the thirst for wanting more of that potion so it could enjoy orgasms over and over again.
23120701 果然如薩德女王說的,SMMan持續了一周的性高潮,性高潮的感覺也隨之慢慢退掉.
SMMan 無法接受這種感覺,因太失落而失控直接抓起瓶子用牠的羊具用力的幹著瓶子,那種快感讓牠達到了高潮,而魔汁瓶又滿了…
23120701 Just as Queen Sade said, SMMan had an orgasm for a full whole week, eventually, the feeling slowly faded.
SMMan couldn’t accept the emptiness, it got upset. SMMan grabbed the bottle and fucked it with its dick.
The pleasure of banging the bottle made him reach a climax. Then the Magic Potion bottle was filled again…
Material: Sofubi
International Enquiry : vintage_vinyl_club and
kore kore
B08:撒旦玩具 Satan Toys 11/27-28 我們會在路遙圓創玩具藏庫展售限定色款式配色不公開、數量極少量喜歡美美子或是SMMan的朋友請健步如飛的來B08攤位另外,我們也準備了幾尾的美璃子在現場販售,給想要美璃子的朋友購買販售方式採先到先得,一人限購一隻,可多款各一,售完為止謝謝大家,禮拜六見!! 路遙圓創2021路遙圓創玩具藏庫☒ 藏庫特售會時間:.11.27(六)10:30~18:3011.28(日)10:30~18:30藏庫位置:台中市西屯區天保街60號(台中世界貿易中心二館 Exhibition Venue No. 60, Tianbao St. Xitun Dist., Taichung City 40766 , Taiwan
Price: HK$1080
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