Joe Merril aka Splurrt is heading to Five Points Festival with some exclusives that you should definitely check out if you’re attending the con;
The classic Masterworks Cadaver Kid Kaiju sofubi figure is appearing in an all new version, cast in milky vinyl with heavy magenta glitter;
The 4″ kaiju will be available at the cluttermagazine booth.
But that’s not all for Masterworks Cadaver Kid, two more exclusive versions will be available at the lulubell_toys booth;
Also at lulubell_toys booth you’ll get the chance to get the epic 11 inches tall Met Death Golem kaiju;
There you have it. More good reasons to attend the festival!
On Saturday, May 20th Five Points Fest is the place to be!
We will be at Five Points Fest, streaming live for you guys and give you all the action! So be sure to tune in or say hi and have a beer with us if you’re attending!
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