So we’ve previously introduced you to the Inner Child of Nervis Wr3k, but today we bring you news regarding the release of the SubUrban Vinyl exclusive Green edition.
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We mentioned that SubUrban Vinyl helped Nervis Wr3k to produce the Inner Child, now we able to tell you that with every purchase of the Exclusive Green Inner Child from SubUrban Vinyl you stand the chance to own one of the three cool custom pieces by Nervis Wr3k that you can see below.
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There will be 3 randomly inserted stickers placed inside 3 boxes with winning information on them. Each winner will receive 1 randomly selected piece shipped to them. SubUrban Vinyl also may be throwing in another surprise or 2 for some lucky collectors as well! SubUrban Vinyl will be releasing their Exclusive Green Inner Child tomorrow at 5pm GMT (Saturday March 21st 2015). You can pick one up from the SubUrban Vinyl store HERE!