The 16th annual Taipei Toy Festival 台北國際玩具創作大展 is getting closer! Arguably one of the best designer toy festivals in Asia, the count down has begun and some of the line ups of artists from around the world have been announced! Some regarded Taipei Toy Festival as the Designer Con of the East and a must-attend event if you’re around the area. Hosted by Monster Taipei, teasers and exclusives rolling out as we speak from vendors you’ll be in for a treat and enter TTF Taipei Toyland this October.
Taipei Toy Festival (TTF) has emerged as one of the largest and most prestigious designer toy venues in the world. Each year, TTF has invited renowned local and international artists and designers to share their personal experience in toy making with the festival patrons and fans. TTF is also achieving its goal of validating of the art of designer toys, and to encourage and provide assistance to new talents and developing new products. At TTF, the exchange and sharing of knowledge and experience on toy-making (design and production). TTF has not only generated bigger attendance each year, but it has also caught international media attention.
Artists from around the world are already preparing for this years TTF! Below are a few teasers of who’s heading to this years TTF.
■ 攤位限定商品採“先到先得”販售方式。(Olive Ban 為抽選販售)
■ 每人每樣限定商品限購買一組。
■ 現場僅接受現金交易。
■ 展覽開展時,消費者到攤位時請出示已蓋過入場章的當日門票並依照現場工作人員指示依序排隊購買。
■ 分日販售之限定商品圖片中皆有標示日期,售完為止。
■ Every customer can buy each one at most, first come first buy and cash only.
MORE ARTIST and INDEPENDANT brands to be revealed soon!
2019 is the 16th anniversary of Taipei Toy Festival, we invited Japanese modern artist Moe Nakamura to design the main visual of this year. The theme of the exhibition is “Sweet Sixteen”, which represents the Taipei Toy Festival has come to a new chapter after fifteen years.
- 主視覺藝術家介紹 -
中村 萌 Moe Nakamura
1988年於日本東京都出生,畢業於日本女子美術大學大學院美術系。以木頭做為創作媒材,大部分作品皆保留雕刻時的刻痕紋路,充滿手感、色調柔和又帶有童趣的作品獨具風格,今年八月將在日本東京 gallery tsubaki 舉辦個展。
Born in Tokyo, 1988.
Graduated from Joshibi University of Art and Design, M.A, Department of Painting, Japan in 2012.
Moe Nakamura started to make her own style wood sculpture from in the university. Until now, she has been creating her particular impressive sculpture and she’s getting to be famous not only in Asia but also in the world. This August, her solo exhibition will be held at Gallery Tsubaki in Tokyo, Japan.
第16屆 台北國際玩具創作大展
展覽日期 |2019.10.10 (四) ~ 2019.10.13 (日)
展覽地點 |華山1914文創產業園區-東二館 & 中四B館1樓、2樓
100 台北市中正區八德路一段1號
主視覺設計 |中村 萌 MOE NAKAMURA
主辦單位 |台北怪獸國際有限公司
DATE: 2019.10.10 (Thu.) ~ 2019.10.13 (Sun.)
LOCATION: Huashan Creative Park / Building East 2 & Building Center 4B (1F & 2F)
No.1,Bade Road Sec.1,Zhong Zhen District,Taipei 100
wow! so much stuff!