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The Illuminati by Nature Show at Martian Toys

The order of the day is to check out these amazing customs that form the Illuminati by Nature group show over on Martian Toys. This past weekend saw the opening at Mothership Toy Gallery in Philly, where 59 artists showcased their art on the all-seeing eye platform.

Displaying over 65 hand-painted Illuminati pyramids, the Illuminati by Nature show featured artists such as @jcorptm @the_jfo @5thturtle @ghostfoxtoys @deathlycutetoys @mattcorradoart @kctararuj @nickydavis @drilone @klav9 @seed.arts @solis_toys @mus_musculus @redguardiannyc @ricstroh @officialserganddestroy @ricksans @harlow_bear @deafclown @breakboness @frankmysterio_apc @fly_boy_co @thebeastbrothers @zeroproductivity @64colors @sad_salesman @killtaupe @jellykoe @zardapuya @madebylaupenn @rundmbvinyl @davidstevensonart @audreyhuertas @sr.venado @yosoybuque @mr.ocio_ @mike_wynter @riclotoys @dinkc @kezdyer @vanessa_ramirez @fetchfordonuts @playfulgorilla @valleydweller @riser13 @malo_one @maloapril @zebulonsf @galaxxor @the.madhattress @nugglife @stevendailyart @priscillasarte @kmndz_ @bunny.mischief @eltoro215

Have a little gander at all the amazing work in this Illuminati by Nature show…

You can check out (and purchase) all the customs in the Illuminati by Nature show on Martian Toys website HERE.

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Written by TTC Beard

Hype Boi. Beard Wearer. Vinyl Addict. Pub Poker Fish. Beer Drinker.

A man of many talents, master of none.

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