Heading to the UK in a matter of two weeks is the beautiful Huck Gee, and he’s bringing the hardware to make the boys wink! Following our tease last week of The Orange Blank by Mr Gee at ToyConUK next month, today we can give yo a glimpse in to second colourway, which will be available on Saturday 9th April. The Steve Buscemi of the Blanks!
Certainly another great colourway of The Blank series. So you’ve now seen two of the three new colourways of The Blank, that will be available to purchase at ToyConUK 2016. Huck sent the tracking numbers for these Pink Blanks. They’re heading our way! We’re excited to see these in person. Pink & Orange. Going to be beautiful together. Now we wait patiently for the third colourway to be heading over with Huck…..
We’ll bring you details on the finer points – price, run size etc – nearer to ToyConUK! These will be in short run sizes, that much we know. Once they come available for the wider public, we’ll see the numbers diminish. Shame.
Looks groovy, Gary!