The fifth instalment from the “Toho 30 Series; Sakai Yuji Art Collection” is here. This is an elite kaiju collection inspired by the mythical producer and distributor of the all time favourite kaiju and tokusatsu films, the might TOHO. For this new piece we get our beloved Godzilla straight out of the 1991 classic Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah;
Sculpted by the legendary Yuji Sakai, one of the main features of this pieces is the tail standing up, requiring most of the time a special stand;
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It will be available in a standard version and a special Ric Boy version with led lightning;
Stands about 27cm / 10.6 inches tall, Godzilla’s body is made in PVC;
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Pre-orders now open from X-Plus’ Shonen Ric HERE for ¥28,620 ($257, £204). Pre-orders end on June 20.
*all info and pics via