Here comes a winter warmer for you all. The next adventure has seen Thailand’s Unsleepman Toys Yeti Baby & Ice Boy get some extra warmth with much-needed fur! best friends forever want you to join them on their new adventure too. Will Unsleepman Toys make a life-size Yeti costume for us to wear and keep us warm? HA.
Yeti Baby can remove the crown and change the faceplate Materials Resin, felt, fabric, faux fur, and magnet Yeti Baby Hight 10 cm. and Ice Boy High 8 cm.
These toys are the handmade item
Limited Edition
30 pieces worldwide
Yeti Baby can remove the faceplate
Materials Resin, felt, fabric, faux fir and magnet
Yeti Baby Hight 10 cm. and Ice Boy High 8 cm.
These toys are the handmade item
PRICE: $135 USD for the set
Find I Am Unsleepman on Facebook and Instagram.
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