Jeremy is ready to launch and the anticipation gets bigger and bigger by the hour. If the demand is anything like UME’s GeekWok then UME will need a few cases of Monster Energy drink!
We had an invite (actually harassed him) to take a little footage of behind the scenes of UME Towers, the making of Jeremy the Jawa.
So lets take a look how Jeremy is born.
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Making the yellow tint eyes for Jeremy with a dash of Glow in the Dark powder.
Steady poring the Resin mixture into the mould, then letting it set.
Jeremy freshly pulled out of his silicone mould.
Sanding Jeremy so he can stand on his own two feet bless him.
Bath time for Jeremy and Geekwok.
After a fresh clean its time for some paint
The Two finished Jeremy Jawa
Jeremy will be available over at UME toys online store for the Friday 14th Frebruary’s Jeremy preorder launch (limited to 24hours) starting 9:00pm GMT.
But wait some lucky devil get a chance to WIN a special edition ‘Valentine’s’ edition Jawa 1/1 custom and all you have to do is order an original colour way Jeremy and if your names the one pulled out of the hat, then this little custom beauty could be coming to live with you.
Need a little more photos to wet your appetite check out our older post but with more photos HERE
Don’t forget to check out UMEToys social media sites for his endless creations.
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