A couple of months ago we showed you all the amazing toy photographer turned toy maker Wikitoybox’s all new Urban Vinyl Taiko Drum. Now its a few days till Designer Con she’s ready to let her Urban Vinyl Taiko Drum’s loose at Dcon. Having made a load of colourful eco-friendly resin poop, yes resin poop, don’t judge I have a few and I love them.
She decided to finally go alone and make her dream of making a vinyl toy come true with her own production. With three companies not willing to help with the project, it’s one story that proves you can do it if you put your mind to it and never lose faith.
It’s great to see something different in the vinyl scene and with something that customers/artists can play around with a unusual canvas. This will be very interesting to see what they come up with.
“In 2004, I came up with the idea and concept design of the Urban Vinyl Taiko Drum Figure because of my passion and love for music. I played taiko for 7 years with Gen Taiko in San Francisco.
Immediately I fell in love with the deep rich sounds of thunderous beats, and specially the tradition of Japanese culture. Sharing this artwork of mines is to have people around the world know of this instrument that is not commonly used and the history that is being lost in our modern times. The simplicity of a drum and the music that comes out of it.
With this figure you can create you own design, color and what ever it is that inspires you.”
Here’s Wikitoybox story
With all the Struggles and Errors I had to endure, I’ve fought through the Tides and made it though. I’ve spend the past 3 years researching, and studying (with the help of YouTube, of course ) Getting turned down by 3 Production Companies without even looking at my concept artwork, fighting against Poor Weather conditions (which ruins the curing process) and dealing with my health.
Also, working without a Vacuum Tank, or a Rotocasting device. This was all done with my own Sweat and Blood…..by Hand!
Now, with further a Due…..I Present to you the Very First Wikitoybox Solid Vinyl Piece…. (DIY-MFPJ -Do it yourself MothaF**ka Paint Job! I’m beat!) “URBAN VINYL TAIKO DRUM FIGURE!!!”
Wikitoybox booth #927 priced at $35 each. Urban Vinyl Taiko Drum Figure will be on sale after Dcon, great news for collectors who cannot make it to Dcon.
Designer Con 2015 November 21-22, 2015 at the Pasadena Convention Centre. http://www.designercon.com/
Find Wikitoybox and check out her amazing toy photography too well worth looking at her Instagram feed HERE. You can also tweet Wikitoybox at https://twitter.com/wikitoybox