The invasion is back! Right where the first sighting was spotted last year they make the return and collectors now have a chance to own the rare URDU One Legend PlantAliens! As we said previously, We don’t know about you guys but we are pretty obsessed with Caudex Plants and it looks like the fine folks at URDU have a similar fascination too. URDU already presented the world with the Garden of Caudex Plants which was their take on Pachypodium Gracilius as a sculpture and reimagined.
URDU has announced an ultra-cute and adorable set of Caudex Plants called PlantAlien! Five plants in a series with a secret design yet to be discovered! PlantAlien is a group of space creatures from Jupiter that has been cooling down in recent years. They were imperative to find another habitat for living among the Galaxy. After years of searching, they finally spotted a lovely, cozy, warm planet near the Sun called – the Earth.
In this joyful adventure on the Earth, #PlantAlien found a kind of plant called “Pachypodium Gracilius” which looks very alike to them. People on Earth are fond of this plant, therefore Plant Alien decided to live here in the form of Pachypodium Gracilius and be friends with humans on Earth hereafter.
Plant Alien是一群由木星來到地球的外星人。由於他們的星球日漸降溫,使他們不斷在宇宙中訪尋其他棲息地,最終找到較為接近太陽,而且氣候溫暖的星球- 地球。
在地球的探索之旅,Plant Alien發現一種名為象牙宮的物種,跟他們的外形十分相似,並且受到很多地球人的愛戴。因此決定化身這種植物在地球定居,跟人類融洽相處。
Plant Alienは木星から地球にきた宇宙人です。木星の気温はどんどん低下し、彼らは他の住みやすい宇宙を探し続けなければならなくて、最終的に太陽にわりと近く、より暖かい気候で生存に適した惑星、地球を見つけた。
地球で探検の途中で、Plant Alienはパキポディウム グラキリスと呼ばれる植物を発見し、その形が非常に自分に似ており、地球上の多くの人々に愛されている。したがって、彼らはこの植物を転生させて地球に定住し、人間と仲良く一緒に暮らしていることにした。
PAPA is an alien creature who transforms into a classic Pachyopodium Gracilius. They like water and enjoy the sunshine. They are a patient and considerate character. When people get bored, They will sway from side to side to please which makes them a very popular aliens.
PAPA 是外星人化身成的典型象牙宮,喜歡吸取水份及享受日光浴。本身個性是非常有耐性及富有愛心,所以在大家納悶的時候,他們會做出左搖右擺的動作逗人開心,是個非常受歡迎的外星人。
GRACY is an alien creature who transforms into a pretty Pachyopodium Gracilius. They are obsessed with beauty and determined to be the most exquisite alien in the Galaxy. With their strong sense of beauty, they also assist other alien friends in dressing up so that they can easily fit in the living on Earth.
GRACY 是外星人化身的美麗象牙宮。本身有著非常愛美的性格,決意成為全宇宙最美的外星生物。有著超強的審美眼光,也會幫助外星朋友們打扮一番,讓大家更成功融入地球的生活。
BALLY is an alien creature who transforms into Euphorbia Obesa. They are wise, easy-going and have no desire. They have the most peaceful mind in outer space. Therefore, people feel calm meeting them even when they are in trouble.
BALLY 是外星人化身成的布紋球植物。他們是一個智者,性格隨遇而安,無慾無求,有著外星人中最平靜的內心。所以每當人有煩惱的時候,遇見他們便會感到內心平靜,煩惱盡消。
INFINITY is transformed by multiple alien creatures into Pachyopodium Rosulatum. They are six brothers in one and filled with multiple characters who come up with many naughty ideas. Despite their different personalities, they always work together to solve things.
INFINITY 是多個外星人化身成的魔界玉植物。他們是6位一體的兄弟,有多重性格並常提出許多鬼主意。雖然性格不同及偶有爭執,但他們會齊心商量去做每一件事,解決所有問題。
ROCKY is an alien creature who transforms into Dioscorea Elephantipes. They are introverted and shy. Whenever something unexpected happens, they will retract into the shell. They are extraordinary endurance and can survive days without drinking. They are rare little ones uncontaminated.
ROCKY 是外星人化身成的龜甲龍植物。本性內向怕醜,每當遇到突如其來發生的事,便會把身體縮進龜甲內。他們有很強的忍耐力,可以在多日不喝水的情況下生存,是名符其實不受污染的外星小朋友。
– Material: Vinyl
– Size: approx. 4 inches in height
Zone: Beacon 4 URDU Booth no: G25
WHEN: 6-9th April 2023
WHERE: Thailand Toy Expo 2023 Zone: Dazzle. One Little Planet Booth: D1-D3
INTERNATIONAL Collectors who can’t make it to TTE
WHEN: NOW in-stock and ready to ship
WHERE: and Authorised retailers, Use Code: IHEARTTTC for $10 off over $100 spent. (please note the code changes every month so feel free to keep checking for the latest code HERE)
Find URDU via Facebook and Instagram.