There’s nothing quite like getting some fresh V.A.G especially when some of your favourite artists are involved in the latest series! With VAG 27 finally landing at retailers, it was only right that VINYL ARTIST GACHA series 28 gets revealed. Are you addicted to VAG like us? well, Medicom are back with a new lineup! the team roster sees the team expands and OG artists return with a new design for the series. This morning our buddies at Sofvi has the scoop of Medicom Toys VAG series 28 which features プレステージ, serinoriⅽa, KIRIKO ARAI, カメントツ/小学館 , ukyDaydreamer and last but not least KONATSU.
WHEN: Pre-orders NOW (estimated shipping September 2021)
WHERE: and use code: TTCLOVE for 5% from your order! Use Code: IHEARTTTC for $10 off over $100 spent. (please note the code changes every month so feel free to keep checking for the latest code HERE) ( Use code TTC5 for 5% off everything except customs. ) (please note the code changes every month so feel free to keep checking for the latest codes HERE) Thank you to our friends at sofvi tokyo for hitting us up with the info.
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