From BJD dolls to ceramics to resin figures, now in vinyl comes Vapour Park Offical collaboration vinyl release with Korea based 율 무Yoolmu presents FRIENDS series, one of Yoolmu’s characters POPO will be made available to fans of new and old with Yoolmu signature colour palettes and soft tones are seen on Yoolmu’s ceramics and BJD dolls. The new vinyl toy Popo comes first as
Popo is a cute elephant that is ready to win the hearts of millions! Judging from the photos Vapour Park has done a great job translating POPO into vinyl form. Now we can take POPO on adventures without having to worry about being fragile.
由韓國人氣陶瓷玩偶設計師 Yoolmu 所設計的 FRIENDS 系列第一位角色 POPO,是隻十分喜歡品嚐馬卡龍的小象。她已經準備好參加各位的 HIGH TEA 聚會了。喜歡享受美食的你,別忘記預留一個位子給 POPO 一起打卡拍照喔
SIZE: Approx 10CM tall
Material: Vinyl
WHEN: Saturday 10th noon 12:00 PM Hong Kong Time
Can you see the teaser of what other Yoolmu characters are coming soon?
遊走少女陶瓷風格的 Yoolmu,從製作陶瓷動物玩偶開始廣為玩家認識,及後在設計中加入羊毛氈手藝,也曾製作過細緻的 BJD 玩偶。其粉系配色與可愛的設計深受歡迎。今年首次與 Vapour Park 聯乘推出全新的軟膠玩具。
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