Watson Leverton by UMEToys (Richard Page) has a new addition to his food line creations. Meet Watson Leverton he’s just under 3 inches perfect size for one mouthful, well not for real but you get what I mean.
Watson Leverton comes with English mustard on his back ( I prefer Ketchup with my Hotdogs) I am guess UMEToys can always put what ever sauce you want on him.
I personally not sure which way I would display Watson, how would you? answer on the comments below 🙂
I have no idea when its going to be released but you know we will update you when we find out.
Here are a few past food themed toys by UMEToys
If any of you are going to New York Comic Con UMEToys will be there with a load of goodies make sure if you see him give him a beard stroke and a slap on the bum for us.
Head over to UMEToys social sites to stay in contact with him