WKY560 STUDIO x ToyZero Plus is back and ready to shake up Taipei Toy Festival 台北國際玩具創作大展 2023 in less than 24hours time! WKY560 STUDIO’s resin “woooody” a funny-looking creature with a grin that spans from cheek to cheek. Big shoulder, inverted triangle, perfect body shape! Fast forward to the present day and ToyZero Plus has added WKY560 STUDIO to the team roster early on this year and turned 肥弟 woooody into a vinyl art collectible making it slightly easier to own one. Now this Woozilla Woooody has escaped from the ToyZero Plus lab and heading to TTF!
Deep in the Pacific Ocean, an unknown force is waking up… Green back light in the dark, flickering on the sea the legendary monster came to this island. This time, he is no longer the destroyer, but the protector

售價:TWD$2,680 / HKD$685
商品尺寸: ~10.5CM
首賣地點:20th Taipei Toy Festival 台北國際玩具創作大展
*stay tuned for international release

More ToyZero Plus goodness at https://toyzeroplus.com/
Find WKY560 STUDIO via Instagram.