Entering the ring tonight we have Tiger-Guts Taylorrrrrrrr! Earth’s very own wrestling maniac is still fighting his way through a violent intergalactic tournament to win his ticket home! What monsters, robots, or other pour lost souls must he demolish on his road to freedom? This likeness of our wayward hero is a full 20cm (nearly 8″) tall and made of resin. From his hot pink nips to his orange boot soles he is the epitome of sexy-Earth-wrestler. Rawr!!!! That black eye isn’t stopping Tiger-Guts from taking on whoever and whatever gets in his way, either…
Check out that box art! The amazing art here was done by Juan Gedeon! Spanish artist Rultron designer, modeled, and hand painted Tiger-Guts Taylor (and did an epic job of it) and Brian from Dead Hand Toys produced him. Seriously if this tiger-stripe wearing blue wrestler can’t win his way back to Earth who even could? No one. There are only 20 pcs in this release! Only 20! If you’re interested, you can email “rultron@gmail.com” for availability and purchasing information!
Interested in more like this sexy beast? Check out Rultron’s Tumblr page for more! Interested in more art from the talented Juan Gedeon? His website has everything you need to see!! While you’re at it, stop by Dead Hand Toys to see what’s up!