We at The Toy Chronicle love a good ToyCon UK exclusive, especially when it comes from the the guys over at JustRobots & Fugi.me! Mr Dan Perry, will be hosting Onorio D’Epiro of JustRobots on the Fugi.me booth on April 25th. There will be a wide range of JustRobots goodness available. So what are we waiting for, lets get stuck in…
First up is Chatterbot…
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Followed closely by Beepbot…
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Third up we find Chunkybot, a robot after our own heart…
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Oh and lets not forget about Strongbot. Oh, he be strong…
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Finally, we give you the ever galiant, Cosmo…
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Fugi.me will have three of each of the above. Onorio will be on hand to take custom orders if more are required.JustRobots will also have a number of his new badges available for £6.
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Rumours circulating around Fugi.me HQ are that there will be other JustRobots Exclusives available on the day too. Ohhhhhh tease.