Set your diaries to stun. Book your flights. Book your trains. Book your hotels. ToyConUK 2016 is coming your way! Saturday April 9th 2016. ToyConUK is once again hitting up London (York Hall, Bethnal Green) for one glorious day of UK Designer Toy goodness! This will be the fourth year of TCUK, and we can already predict this will be the best of the lot. You thought this year was epic, right? 2016 will show 2015 what epic really is.
If you want to exhibit your art work at ToyConUK, you should head to the TCUK home page now and register:
The Toy Chronicle can confirm we’ll have a presence at TCUK, we will have experienced New York Comic Con and Designer Con in 2015, so will be looking to adapt what we’ve learnt from these two massive conventions and applying it to our TTC TCUK booth in 2016. We have some wicked plans already bubbling away under the surface. WE CANNOT WAIT!!
More details will flow from the TCUK krew in due course. We’ll keep you posted, obviously x