
TTC ToyConUK 2015 Exhibitor Interview #22 – MAp MAp

Can you catch? We are about to throw you a whole bunch of ToyConUK Exhibitor Interviews to enjoy! We are only 45 hours away from the doors opening, so in that time have a little read of our latest interview with Leicester boy, MAp-MAp!

Tell us a little bit about yourself & your background?

I’m one of those white males you see all over the internet. I grew up on cartoons and video games and then kept on growing up with those cartoons and video games with a slice art and design here there.

How did you get in to the Designer Toy scene?

I saw a friends amazing vinyl toy collection when I was still finding my way creative ways, so started sculpting here and there. I remember some fun times with clumps of plasticine, and some terrible air drying clays. But then one day I found myself taking part in Jam Factory’s custom Droplet show many years ago, and from there it’s just been the world I love playing around in.

What’s been the biggest influence on you in the year since ToyCon UK 2014?

I don’t think this has been a big year for new influences, I seem to be listening to a lot of interviews from many creative worlds so this has probably been a year looking at how and why I do what I do.

Have you got anything brand new coming to the event this year?

I have my Unkept resin Toys of bearded majesty being debuted at Toycon UK, along with a host of customs

[frame align=”center”]mapmap_unkept[/frame]

What is your ‘go-to’ tool when customising/creating?

I have a really pointy sculpting tool I always go to for tweaking my sculptures, or carefully scraping off that annoying piece of fluff that came from nowhere.

What is your favourite platform to customise?

I have had a good number of run ins with Muttpop’s Tequila, that Luchador definitely brightens my studio.

[frame align=”center”]Tenir Feu Map MAp vinyl toy tequila poncho[/frame]

If you could collab with any artist(s), who would it be?

At the time of writing this it would have to be David Lynch, just so I could convince him to get back on with Twin Peaks…beyond that I couldn’t say, I know it’s something I really want to try to do more of this year.

What are you most looking forward to seeing?

People, I’ve been working constantly to keep up with commissions and have as much to show people at Toycon UK as I can. So just the glow of some friendly face will be very welcome

If you could have anyone appear at ToyCon UK who would it be?

Walter Chauskoskis I really want to finally shake that guys hand.

If your house was on fire and you could save one toy in it, what would it be?

Are you threatening me? I’d pull my Pete Fowler Van Orlax from the flames every time.

[frame align=”center”]Pete Fowler Van Orlax[/frame]

Track MAp-MAp on his social media adventure here:


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